Sunday 26 February 2012

The Bathroom Renovation Update

I keep getting messages from my Facebook readers asking how the bathroom renos are going. The answer- SLOWLY. The problem with the fact that we are doing so much of the work ourselves is that weekends are never long enough and the spaces in between weekends are far too long. In saying that though, it is really coming along well.

The ground work for the plumbing went in first, then we put in new walls, ceiling and a concrete slab. After waiting for the concrete to cure, the waterproofer came in and did his part (stinking us out in the process- resin smells horrible!). Another few days of waiting and we began the LONG process that has been laying the tiles and fitting the bathtub. An estimated four day job has turned into eight, but is almost done now. Here are some pictures, all taken from the same vantage point. The first is the 'before' picture, the middle one is the state of my bathroom last time I wrote of the subject and the third is a current view.

The gorgeous oak vanity that I have ordered from overseas will be here some time in late March/early April. The project is an on-going one until that final part arrives to make our room perfect. In the meantime we'll be putting in the toilet, painting walls, putting up a shower screen and accessorising. I'll do a final bathroom reveal once it is all completed. Until then, you just have to be patient. Not having a bathroom in my home is certainly testing mine!

Love from The Jeweller. xx

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing, i love it, very classic & elegant. Seems to be moving quickly from my end, i'm sure it's much slower when you're the one waiting to use it!! Love Posie
