Saturday 11 February 2012

The Tie Clip for Rebecca

Now it has to be said that I'm a little bit of a sucker for taking on those little sentimental jobs. I know that the value of jewellery is often so much more than the material worth of the piece. When an item that has held significant personal value breaks, it can be very difficult to find assistance. Plenty of jewellers wouldn't bother to offer to help with a repair or re-make because they don't think it is 'worth it'.

Mid-way through last year, Rebecca approached me with a broken tie clip belonging to her husband. This tie clip held significant value to Rebecca and her man, as the design matches her wedding ring. The clip was made from steel, a material that I do not have the tools or expertise to work in, so I offered to re-make the design in sterling silver and gold with the promise that if it ever broke again, I could solder it back together free of charge. Rebecca happily accepted my offer and so began the making of my first ever tie clip!

I'll admit, I was pretty nervous about this job. As with every first, I wasn't certain how well I could pull it off. I was worried about getting the right amount of tension to hold the clip comfortably on the tie, as well as doing justice to the lovely design of the original. I'm very good at procrastinating and with no confirmed delivery date for the piece, it was pushed towards the back of my pile of jobs for several months. Rebecca is one of those fabulous and extremely chilled-out customers who just kept saying; "Whenever you get to it, no hurry, I can wait", even though she had paid in full at time of ordering. Finally came the time when I couldn't bear to delay any longer. I set a date for Rebecca to come and collect the piece and got to work creating it.

Rebecca's tie clip: a gift for her husband in sterling silver with 18ct yellow gold.
What a huge sense of satisfaction this completed tie clip gave me! I thoroughly enjoyed making it, the tension was perfect and the design came up really well. In fact, making this piece has me totally inspired to do a range of tie clips this year. Around Fathers Day perhaps? Maybe some cufflink and tie clip sets?

Thanks Rebecca for giving me this wonderful, inspirational job AND for your patience. I hope your husband is enjoying wearing his special tie clip again.

Love from The Jeweller. xx

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