Saturday 21 January 2012

The First Engagement Ring

We are so busy renovating our home that I almost forgot today’s blog post!  Here is a little story for you to read whilst Mr Jeweller and I continue ripping out our old bathroom. (And yes, there will be a story about the renovations a little further down the track.)
The first engagement ring that I made was just six months after I graduated from university. An engagement ring is a very special piece. It is the ultimate token of love, a symbol of a special promise, second only to a wedding band.

I designed the ring around an amazing watermelon tourmaline that I purchased the previous year at a jewellery and gemstone trade event. The colour change from green, to white, to pink, is caused by variations of fluid chemistry combined with heat radiation during crystallisation. The spectacular stone is flanked by princess cut diamonds and set into an 18ct yellow gold 'V' shape, with a band made from a 9ct white gold alloy with platinum.
Watermelon tourmaline engagement ring.
The handsome groom-to-be took his girlfriend of over four years up in a hot air balloon over our Nation's Capital and when the moment was right he pulled the ring OUT OF HIS SOCK! Her response was of course "YES!"
Selected images of the proposal day; hot air balloon flight over Canberra.
Ok, I'll admit it, this is a story about me! The lucky girl is me and that ring is mine. My gorgeous groom and I got married twelve months later and now we are living happily ever after.
Love from The Jeweller. xx

1 comment:

  1. Oh look at you two, i didn't know about the balloon ride, so gorgeous!! You're so gorgeous, love that husband of yours, love Posie
